
Class module developed to share CSV dialects, or group of specific and related configuration, which instructs the parser on how to interpret the character set read from a CSV file. This container travels through the parsing and sniffer methods.


Item Type Description
escapeMode Property Gets or sets the escape behavior. The default value of this property is EscapeStyle.rfc4180 and instructs the parser to escape fields according to RFC-4180 specs, if EscapeStyle.unix is used it will instruct the parser to escape special characters ALSO in Unix style by preceding those characters with a backslash \.
fieldsDelimiter Property Gets or sets the character to be used to delimit the fields in the target CSV/TSV file. The default value of this property is comma , but the user can specify any character as field delimiter. However, it is advisable to use commonly used characters such as colon :, semicolon ;, pipe | and tab vbTab.
quoteToken Property Gets or sets the char that will be used for quote those fields containing some CSV/TSV syntax special char. The user must use the QuoteTokens enumeration to define this property. The user can choose between double quotes ", single quote ' and tilde ~.
recordsDelimiter Property Gets or sets the char that will be used for delimit records in the target CSV/TSV file. The default value is vbCrLf, but user can choose one of vbCr and vbLf.

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