
Returns a CSV dialect after run an analysis over a String variable or in the CSV/TSV file indicated in the .path property of the configuration object.


expression.SniffDelimiters(confObject, [CSVstring] = vbNullString)


Part Description
confObject Required. Identifier specifying a CSVparserConfig object variable.
CSVstring Optional. Identifier specifying a String Type variable.
NumberOfRecords Optional. Identifier specifying a Long Type variable.

Returns value

Type: CSVdialect

See also
ParseConfig Property, CSVSniffer class.


The parser will guess the delimiters in the CSV file only when the CSVstring parameter is set to vbNullString, otherwise the guessing occurs on the given string. Use the NumberOfRecords parameter to define the number of records to be imported from the CSV file to detect delimiters, by default 10 records are imported.


Only the specified number of records will be used to guess the delimiters. The method is very accurate, but there is a risk of inaccuracy in some rare cases.


Sub SniffInString()
    Dim CSVint As CSVinterface
    Dim CSVdata As String
    Dim fPath As String
    Set CSVint = New CSVinterface
    fPath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\Demo_100000records.csv"
    With CSVint
        CSVdata = .GetDataFromCSV(fPath)
        Set .parseConfig.dialect = .SniffDelimiters(.parseConfig, CSVdata)      'Sniff delimiters and save to config object
    End With
    Set CSVint = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub SniffInFile()
    Dim CSVint As CSVinterface
    Dim csvRecord As CSVArrayList
    Set CSVint = New CSVinterface
    With CSVint
        .parseConfig.path = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\Demo_100000records.csv"
        Set .parseConfig.dialect = .SniffDelimiters(.parseConfig)                           'Sniff delimiters and save to config object
    End With
    Set CSVint = Nothing
End Sub

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