
Holds the parser configuration for the current instance.




Accesor Syntax
Get expression.parseConfig
Let expression.parseConfig = value
Accesor Parameters
Get None
Let Name: configuration
Type: parserConfig/Object
Modifiers: ByRef
Accesor Returns Type
Get parserConfig/Object
Let None


Item Type Description
bufferSize Property Gets or sets the buffer’s size, in MB, for the text stream operations using the CSVTextStream.cls. By default, this property is set to 0.5 MB for CSV/TSV file streams. When parsing a file with very long lines, the code attempts to adjust this value to avoid unexpected behavior.
commentsToken Property Gets or sets the character used as commented line indicator. By default, the char "#" is used for indicate commented lines, but this property can be set to whatever single character. A line starting with the commentsToken char is ignored by the parser if the skipCommentLines is set to True. If the commentsToken has a length greater than 1, only the first char of it is used as indicator.
CopyConfig Method Returns a parserConfig object with a copy of the current configuration.
DefineTypingTemplate Method This method is used to create the Dynamic Typing Template (DTT) through a ParamArray. User must specify a data conversion using the TypeConversion enumeration. Each DTT element must be linked to a field index.
DefineTypingTemplateLinks Method This method is used to link the Dynamic Typing Template (DTT), through a ParamArray, to specific fields. User must specify a column index (Long) for each element defined in the DTT.
delimitersGuessing Property Sets the behavior of the parser regardless specified delimiters. By default, this property is set to False. If the value is set to True the parser will try to guess delimiters before start the import operation.
delimitersToGuess Property Gets or sets the delimiters used on the delimitersGuessing operation. By default, the parser uses a String array with the chars comma (,), semicolon (;), Tab (vbTab), pipe (|) and colon (:).
dialect Property Gets or sets a CSVdialect object with attributes to help the parser handle delimiters, quotes and escape modes in the requested CSV file. Refer to the documentation for the CSVdialect class for more detailed information on.
dTTemplateDefined Property Gets the Dynamic Typing Template (DTT) status. The property returns False when the DTT was not defined.
dTTemplateLinksDefined Property Gets the Dynamic Typing Template (DTT) Links status. The property returns False when the DTT links were not defined.
dTypingLinks Property Gets or sets the Dynamic Typing Template (DTT) Links through a Variant data type array.
dTypingTemplate Property Gets or sets the Dynamic Typing Template (DTT) through a Variant data type array.
dynamicTyping Property Gets or sets the Dynamic Typing behavior. By default, this property is set to False. If the value is set to True the parser will use the DTT to type/convert the fields linked to the template.
headers Property Gets or sets the header status of the target CSV/TSV file. By default, this property is set to True. When False the parser interpretates the target file hasn't header record.
headersOmission Property If True, the parser will omit the header record.
multiEndOfLineCSV Property Gets or sets the behavior of the parser when reading streams from text files. By default, this property is set to False. If the value is set to True, all line break characters in the loaded stream will be converted to vbLf. This option will affect performance, but may be useful when faced with CSV files with vbCrLf, vbCr and vbLf mixed in as line endings.
path Property The full path, including the file name and its extension, to the target CSV/TSV.
skipCommentLines Property Gets or sets the behavior of the parser when facing comments lines. By default, this property is set to True. If the value is set to False, the comment lines will be parsed as a normal record.
skipEmptyLines Property Gets or sets the behavior of the parser when facing empty lines. By default, this property is set to True. If the value is set to False, the empty lines will be parsed as a normal record.
startingRecord Property This property must be used in combination with the endingRecord property for import a certain range of records from a CSV/TSV file.
utf8EncodedFile Property Gets or sets the behavior of the text stream reader when returning data read from a CSV file. By default, this property is set to False. If the value is set to True, the data obtained from the file will be interpreted as UTF-8 encoded and operated on before returning the buffer string. This property internationalizes the parser, making it capable of dealing with files in almost any foreign language: Chinese, Russian, Danish, Greek...
See also
CSVdialect class, CSVTextStream class.

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