
Sorts the imported CSV/TSV data.


expression.Sort([fromIndex:= -1], [toIndex:= -1], [SortingKeys:= 1], [SortAlgorithm:= SortingAlgorithms.SA_Quicksort])


Part Description
fromIndex Optional. Identifier specifying a Long Type variable.
toIndex Optional. Identifier specifying a Long Type variable.
SortingKeys Optional. Identifier specifying a Variant Type variable.
SortAlgorithm Optional. Identifier specifying a member of the SortingAlgorithms Enumeration.

Returns value

Type: CSVinterface


Before sort data, is required to make a call to the ImportFromCSV or ImportFromCSVstring method.

See also
ImportFromCSV method, ImportFromCSVstring method, CSVArrayList class, SortByField method.


When the fromIndex parameter is omitted the data sorting start on the second record when the ParseConfig.headers is set to True and ParseConfig.headersOmission is set to False. Omitting the toIndex parameter takes the sorting to the last available record. If the SortingKeys parameter is omitted the data will be sorted on the first column/field in ascending order, set this parameter to a negative Integer to sort the data in descending order on the given column (e.g. SortingKeys:=-2 will sort in descending order on the second field). In addition, the user can pass a one-dimensional array in the SortingKeys parameter to achieve multilevel data sorting on several fields at once.


Sub Sort()
    Dim CSVint As CSVinterface
    Dim SortKeys() As Long
    Set CSVint = New CSVinterface
    With CSVint.parseConfig
        .path = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\Demo_100000records.csv"
    End With
    ReDim SortKeys(0 To 2)
    SortKeys(0) = -1: SortKeys(1) = 5: SortKeys(2) = -11
    With CSVint
        .ImportFromCSV .parseConfig
        .Sort SortingKeys:=SortKeys, SortAlgorithm:=SA_Quicksort                'Sort the data in descending order on column 1,
                                                                                'then sort in ascending order on column 5 and
                                                                                'sort in descending order on column 11. This
                                                                                'multi-level sorting is "stable".
    End With
    Set CSVint = Nothing
End Sub

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