
Removes a field, at the specified position, from the imported CSV data.


expression.RemoveRecords(aIndex, [count])


Part Description
aIndex Required. Identifier specifying a Long Type variable. Represents the index at which the records will be deleted.
count Optional. Identifier specifying a Long Type variable. Represents the number of records to be deleted.

Returns value

Type: CSVinterface

See also
ImportFromCSV method, ImportFromCSVstring method.


The RemoveRecords method will remove an specified amount of records from the current instance, if they all have the same number of fields.


Sub RemoveRecord()
    Dim CSVint As CSVinterface
    Set CSVint = New CSVinterface
    With CSVint.parseConfig
        .path = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\Chinese CSV.csv"
        .utf8EncodedFile = True
    End With
    With CSVint
        .ImportFromCSV .parseConfig
        .RemoveRecords 2, 2                              'Remove 2 records starting at the 3th record
    End With
    Set CSVint = Nothing
End Sub

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